Hamed Said Obaid Al-Humaidi

On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to thank all of our clients and associates for their trust and support, without which, our success wouldn’t be possible.

After a long four decades of our presence in the Fisheries field and with our continuous effort to strive for better we take pride in being one of the leading Sea Food Processing, Freezing & Exporter Company in Oman. In the last few years, the company emphasizes in the development of Quality and specialized projects and has attained prominence as a major player in the field of Fisheries through competence, competitiveness and timely delivery with highest quality standards and recognized safety performance.

The company’s goal is constant development, guarding the high quality of our products, strict keeping of time limits, and constant amelioration of our relations with the customers. We have a long tradition of serving our valued customers to their complete satisfaction through efficient management and excellent workmanship, which we continue to maintain with our untiring efforts.

As a company that uptakes major Products, we state that our priority is the constant amelioration of the quality of the products that we uptake, through the continuous education and training of our staff, so that they too can contribute to the achievement of our company’s goals. As we look to the years ahead we renew our promise to remain committed to excellence, keep side by side changes and innovations, adopt better management and Quality system and successfully overcome all challenges before us.

Regardless of the reason you decided to visit our Company, we hope you will come away with an understanding and appreciation of the kind of firm we are, the values we share, and the kind of people we are. We hope you’ll come back again.