Masirah Sea fish Products LLC

Masirah Sea fish Products LLC is one of the pioneers in the field of processing and exporting of seafood products in the Sultanate of Oman. The company was established by Late HAMED SAID OBAIED AL-HUMAIDI in 1990. Today, we are one of the largest processors of quality quick-frozen seafood in Oman with a production capacity of 200 tons per day and 5 Cold Stores with the capacity of over 1000 tons. The company was granted approval for export to the EU after the successful implementation of HACCP.

Today the group has 3 EU approved seafood-processing plants:

  • Masirah Sea Fish Products LLC
  • Said Bin Hamed Al-Humaidi & Partner Trading
  • Eastern Sea United Projects LLC

The company attributes its success to a number of external and internal factors.

Our world-class seafood processing factories, located at Muscat and Mahoot in the Sultanate of Oman, are recognized by the Omani Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries Wealth. We are processing and exporting a wide variety of sea fishes. The factories are located near major fishing harbors with access to fresh raw material. Very high-quality standards are maintained at every stage of processing and packing by our qualified and dedicated workforce, who are the best in the industry, committed to keeping our traditional values. HACCP is implemented in the factories.

The quality control approval numbers are:
Masirah Sea Fish Products LLC: QC NO 92/26
Said Bin Hamed Al Humaidi & Partner Trading: QC NO 92/56
Eastern Sea United Projects LLC: QC NO 92/72